Dr Elizabeth Kilbey wows over 200 childminders as they gather for annual conference

Nearly 200 childminders gathered together in the Carnegie Conference Centre, Dunfermline on Saturday 30 September 2017 for the SCMA Annual Conference. Designed on the theme of Childminding develops a child’s mind, the conference combined enthralling presentations, a keynote address from the Minister for Childcare and Early Years and a range of innovative and inspiring workshops to make it once again a resounding success.
Commenting at the event childminder Lisa France said: “It’s days like today that make me even more proud to be a childminder! Thanks to SCMA and the other professionals for believing in us and supporting the work that we do. What a fantastic, well organised event -with two informative workshops to challenge my thinking and practice. Looking forward to next years already! It’s been a long day but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Dr Elizabeth Kilbey who is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist, TV Celebrity and star of Channel 4’s hit series The Secret Life of 4, 5 and 6 Year Olds, wowed the audience with an interactive presentation on the Use of Observation in Relation to Child Development. During her career, Elizabeth has helped families to tackle everything from toddler tantrums to teenage meltdowns as well as more complex and challenging mental health difficulties. In a truly inspiring format she shared some of the learning outcomes of this work with the delegates.