Drug Deaths in UK Rise Again: Experts Explain the Signs of Addiction to Look For

Drug addiction is a progressive disorder that is characterised by a compulsion to continue using despite the negative consequences.
Addiction specialists at Private Rehab Clinic Delamere who offer treatment for cocaine addiction have raised their concerns about the rising number of deaths related to the use of drugs, and have shared some common signs and symptoms of drug addiction to look out for if you’re concerned about a loved one.
Changes in personality or behaviour
A common symptom of addiction to any type of drug is a change in behaviour and personality. For example, it is common that people begin to lack motivation for most things in life as a result of using.
Other examples of this could be increased irritability and agitation, as use of drugs can induce paranoia and increase symptoms of anxiety.
Bloodshot Eyes/Bloody Noses/Dilated Pupils
Physical symptoms such as bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils and bloody noses can all also be signs someone is struggling with drug addiction.
Bloodshot eyes is usually a sign of cannabis use, however this can also apply to drugs such as cocaine. Dilated pupils and bloody noses could be signs of drugs that are taken nasally such as cocaine, MDMA and ketamine.
Shakes, Tremors and Slurred Speech
A person who is dependent on drugs, may show signs of shakes, tremors and slurred speech when they are either high or experiencing a comedown.
Tremors and shakes are often signs of heroin usage which is one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs out there.
Lack of Concern for Personal Hygiene
Like changes in behaviour, lack of concern for personal hygiene is a common symptom a person is using drugs.
For example, a person who is addicted may not shower for multiple days on end, or may forget to change their clothes.
Continuing To Take Drugs Despite Consequences
If you find that someone is continuing to take drugs despite the negative consequences being clear, then this is an obvious sign of addiction.
This is because the individual addicted can only think about the drug and will be compelled to abuse them no matter the risk to themselves and those around them.