Each year, the average Brit will pick a fight with their partner 15 times

Each year, the average Brit will pick a fight with their partner 15 times, shout and swear 18 times, slam 13 doors and scream at 11 strangers – all because they are HANGRY.
New research of the nation has shown that busy lives – and the popularity of strict fasting diets mean, as a nation we are regularly overwhelmed with feelings of genuine hanger.
The findings come following new research published last week by the University of Guelph, which found feeling angry when you’re hungry is all down to the sudden drop in glucose levels, or hypoglycaemia.
And according to new research this week British Lion Eggs, a massive 79 percent of Brits admit they feel genuine anger when hungry, with more than one in ten (11 percent) confessing they get hangry on a daily basis. According to the survey, two o’clock is officially Hanger o’clock – the time that the effects are most likely to strike.
And although stomach-driven rage might sound unimportant, researchers for British Lion eggs, which commissioned the study, found that it can lead to some serious issues, with as many as 61 percent of Brits admitting hangry-ness has led to them make major mistakes or behave extremely badly.
As many as 13 percent of parents admit hangry-ness has led to them shouting at their children needlessly, while 14 percent have shouted at a colleague.