Exciting range of Brit vegan specialties go on sale

A range of vegan specialities produced in the UK by Heather Mills’ ethical food firm VBites is to go on sale at hundreds of Hofer stores across Austria, Hungary and Slovenia.
VBites’ products to be sold by Hofer, a subsidiary of global supermarket chain ALDI, include meat-free ‘chicken’ and ‘beef’ style pieces, ‘chicken’ nuggets and vegan ‘schnitzel’.
Hofer said the range would supplement its own “Just VEG” brand of vegan products.
“We’re delighted that Hofer is stocking a selection of our VegiDeli foods,” said Heather Mills, owner of VBites, which has been rated the UK’s most ethical vegetarian foods supplier on ten occasions by the Good Shopping Guide.
“This is a great opportunity for us to show customers in Austria, Hungary and Slovenia just how delicious meat substitutes can be. Our foods can often help people make the transition from a meat-based diet to a plant-based one.”