EXCLUSIVE: Beno Ldn is now Mr Page 3

Take a bow, Mr Beno Ldn has now become Mr Page 3 !
The social media Lothario has now been handed his very own column in Essex Magazine dubbed “Benny’s World” and it’s all about girls, girls and more GIRLS.
The star real name Benny James will be featuring his “5 Weekly Worldies” every Friday of every week which is essentially his selection of the five HOTTEST girls who have tweeted him selfies of themselves during a given week.
Talking to us exclusively this morning he said “It’s actually crazy to think I’ve now got my own column, it’s bloody mental to think about it as im just a normal Geezer, well I say normal more like a complete nutter but I really want to bring that Zoo and nuts magazine type of vibe back with beautiful birds, interviews and more!!
He added “I wanna thank @EssexMagazine for letting me run “Benny world” hopefully this can be the start of something epic!!”
The prolific Mr lover, lover who has bedded hundreds of women has spent most of this year raising awareness about mental health, as he opened up about suffering from anxiety and panic attacks.
You can whiz into Benny’s World on Essex Magazine here, the first 5 beauties of the world are being unveiled Today!