FairFuelUK Campaign respond to Budget

Following This Week’s Budget Announcements:
- UK still has the highest taxed drivers in the world
- The claim that the Treasury has lost billions due to the 8 years of a duty freeze is a lie. FairFuelUK will publish the reasons that reveal the fiscal truth about the impact of this freeze later this week
- Still no independent pump price monitoring body to check opportunistic profiteering in the fuel supply chain
- Still no sign of a long-term roads transport strategy. The new money announced will not touch the sides of the millions of dangerous potholes or the costly congestion across the UK
- Still no idea about how £35bn of duty and VAT will be replaced when Fuel Duty collapses to new technology vehicles and the way they are fueled
- Good news on fighting plastics pollution, but no incentives to adopt low cost clean air solutions proven to lower vehicle emissions that are here and available now
- Still pursuing the £100bn vanity HS2 project at the expense of the rest of the UK’s decaying third world roads infrastructure
Howard Cox, founder of the FairFuelUK Campaign, said: “Sadly and true to form, despite the continuing and welcome hold in fuel duty, this Government still does not get it, when it comes to our motoring nation. No necessary cut in duty to stimulate the economy, utter silence on those greedy unchecked oil companies continuing to fleece hard pressed motorists at will, and no incentives to move to practical low emissions solutions to improve our air quality. And if Brexit collapses is there the spectre of crippling tax hikes at the pumps to come. A hollow Budget, from and out of touch Chancellor who’s clueless to what to do with UK roads, public transport and our freedom of mobility.”
“We are not here to declare war on the Treasury, but to many of us it feels like the Treasury, along with the Department for Environment, are waging war on drivers, bikers and anyone who uses a van or lorry. The easiest of targets to fill the coffers at the Treasury.”