Flexible working affects mums’ ability to progress their career

Nearly half of working mums think working flexibly has affected their ability to progress their career, although almost three quarters identify flexible work as crucial to getting more women into senior roles, according to Workingmums.co.uk annual survey.

The survey of over 2,300 working mums, sponsored by Nielsen**, shows the impact on women’s careers if they work flexibly – whether part time, some degree of homeworking, flexi hours or some other form of flexibility. According to the survey:

– 47% of those surveyed think flexible working has affected their career progression with 28% saying it hasn’t
– 52% of part timers say they have missed out on career progression opportunities or training
– 41% feel their flexible working is not viewed positively by their colleagues
– 29% feel discriminated against because of working flexibly

Yet it also shows that mums feel flexible working is vital for them to manage work and family life. In fact 60% of those who work flexibly would like more flexibility, such as more homeworking or more use of job shares, and 73% believe flexible working and flexi opportunities in senior roles are key to career progression.

Moreover, 51% are worried their flexible working will be taken away from them.

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