Forty Percent Of UK Adults Identify As “Insurance Avoiders”

What Is An Insurance Avoider?
They’re average, everyday folks who for one reason or another are vehemently adverse to the idea that they need insurance, and have convinced themselves, and those around them that insurance is at best, just a long bet that you can’t win unless you die or something catastrophic happens to you, and at worst is just a scam. And according to a recent YouGov survey, 40% of adults in the UK identify as active “insurance avoiders”
It Isn’t Illegal To Be An Insurance Avoider Though Is It?
Well, yes and no. No, it isn’t illegal and the police won’t come knocking on your door if you don’t have travel insurance or building and contents insurance, but you’ll soon feel the long arm of the law tapping you on your shoulder if you try to drive anywhere except for on private land in the UK if you don’t have car insurance
And, heaven forbid, if the worst does happen to you, what would your family do if you don’t have life insurance? How would they cope financially? How would they pay their bills or keep a roof over their heads? If may not be against the law to be uninsured, but sometimes going against the grain isn’t the most sensible, or logical thing to do.
What If I Want To Be An Insurance Avoider? What If I Want To Spend My Money On Something Else?
That’s absolutely your choice, and at the end of the day, you have to do you and what’s best for your family and your nearest and dearest. And while we’re all caught in the middle of an unprecedented, and a once in a generation cost of living crisis it’s all too easy to out off making any financial decisions that might eat into your already stretched to the limit budget.
But if the cost of living crisis has taught us anything, its that the unexpected can, and does happen, so before you decide to join the insurance avoider club, why not take five minutes out of your day to talk to an insurance expert about why life insurance in all of its many facets isn’t the monster in the closet that you might have been led to believe it is, and why it’s far more affordable in an uncertain world, than you think it is.
After all, making any sort of decision without having all of the facts isn’t the best way to travel into tomorrow. You don’t have to decide either way until you know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Because a little knowledge can, and does, go a long way and the more you know, the better prepared you’ll be to face whatever the future has in store.
David Brewer, the CEO and Co Founder of Protect Line ( said “No one knows what tomorrow may bring, and if you want to be an insurance avoider that’s entirely up to you. But if you want to know more about insurance, call a broker and have a chat about it. What have you got to lose? At the end of day, it’s your choice to be one of the forty or one of the sixty percent., and you have to do what’s right for you, and your family”