Free Flu Jabs for Care Home Workers Welcomed

Ths NHS England recently decided to offer complimentary flu vaccinations to care home workers.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care, commented on the move saying: “We applaud NHS England’s policy to offer free flu jabs to workers in care homes. Care England has long campaigned on this issue. In the past the independent sector has been overlooked and providers have had to foot the bill themselves which in a climate of severe financial pressures has been difficult.”
He added “Being ready for winter and offering extra capacity to the already stretched NHS is yet another area where the independent sector can help”.
In a circular from NHS England, Department of Health and Public Health England the new programme for vaccinating the at risk was unveiled. It highlighted the virulent strain of flu in Australia and New Zealand and echoed messages of needing to prepare front line health and social care staff.