Free Mother’s Day card if you’re called John or Laura – the most forgetful names in Britain

Anyone named John or Laura can claim a free Mother’s Day card for their mother figure this year – after it emerged they’re the two most forgetful names in Britain.
According to brilliant new research from Ryman, Johns and Lauras are more likely to forget to buy their mother figure a card on March 10th than people with any other name.
To help them along – and keep mums sweet on their special day– the stationer is kindly offering anyone with either name a free Mother’s Day card.
To claim, those with an eligible name simply need to order their card on the Ryman app using the code ‘JOHNNY’ or ‘LAURA’ and collect in-store by showing identification* by March 10th.
What’s more, anyone in need of a last-minute Mother’s Day card can use the code ‘IFORGOT’ to claim 50% off all click-and-collect cards.**
Available from both Google and Apple app stores, the Ryman App launched last month, and features a new personalised 60-minute card service.
That means even the most unpunctual offspring can browse, personalise and order from thousands of greeting cards, ready for collection in just 60 minutes from over 190 locations nationwide, or via next-day delivery.
Head of Marketing at Ryman, Chloe Danskin, said: “We’re all guilty of being a ‘Johnny come lately’ at times, but if there’s one day of the year to be organised, it’s Mother’s Day.
“That’s why this year, if you happen to have one of the most forgetful names in Britain – we’re looking at you John and Laura – you can claim a free Mother’s Day card on Ryman.
“So, download the Ryman app, order your card, and make this Mother’s Day truly unforgettable; whether it’s for your mum, stepmum, dog mum, grandma or whoever the mother figure in your life is to you.”
For every greeting card purchased, Ryman is also making a donation to charity partners the British Dyslexia Association and Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity – helping to support those with dyslexia.
The Ryman app is available to download for free, via the app store here: