GB News presenter Pip Tomson calls death of baby Jacob Crouch ‘absolutely horrific’

GB News presenter Pip Thompson described the injuries suffered by tragic 10-month-old Jacob Crouch as “absolutely horrific” as his stepfather was sentenced for his murder.
Mr Justice Kerr summarised the terrible injuries suffered by Jacob, and said he could have been saved with medical intervention.
Passing sentence on his stepfather, he said: “The first and very serious aggravating feature is Jacob’s age and vulnerability. He was a small baby who had not yet learned to walk or talk. Sadly, he never did so. To state the obvious, he could not defend himself.
“Second, for that reason your attacks on him were an abuse of trust of the grossest kind. You knew he was dependent on the adults caring for him, to protect him from harm. Instead of protecting him, you killed him.”
Reacting in the studio, Pip fought her emotions as she said: “Some of the details coming out of this trial, especially when you see the pictures of that baby, they are so distressing and I’m not even a mother.
“This is absolutely horrific, and one of the details has just come out is that Craig Crouch, the stepfather, failed to seek medical help, even when he knew that little boy Jacob crouch was gravely injured.
“Had he sought morphine for him, that baby would have survived.”
After a seven-week trial, Craig Crouch, 39, was found guilty of murdering Jacob, who was found dead in his cot on 30 December 2020 in Linton, Derbyshire.
He was also found guilty of three counts of child cruelty.
His mother, Gemma Barton, 33, was acquitted of his murder but was sentenced to 10 years in prison for causing or allowing the death of a child and one count of child cruelty.