Golden Hellos Needed for Social Care Nurses Too

Care England, the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care, welcomed the Government’s focus on recruitment and retention of social care staff and called for ‘golden hellos’ to be extended to the social care sector from the NHS.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England says:
“If health and social care really are hand in glove as the Government purports it is important to offer the same opportunities in terms of recruitment, retention and training to staff, albeit nursing or care workers in the NHS and social care. As demonstrated by the Teaching Care Home Initiative, the importance of nurses in social care cannot be over emphasised”.
Last week the Care Minister, Caroline Dinenage MP, stated that DHSC was working with arm-length bodies and Skills for Care to address workforce barriers to integration including the development of new roles and training resources.
Martin Green continues:
“With confusion over Brexit upon us it is even more important to promote the varied and rewarding roles that are available in social care and not see it as the poor relation to the NHS. The social care sector is the bedrock of the NHS”.