Grants Available for East Midlands Community Groups to Support Unemployed Locals

Futures have been selected by the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) to administer the Community Grants Fund across the D2N2 area and the Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership area.
Jointly funded by the SFA and the European Social Fund, the grants give voluntary and community groups an opportunity to access funds to deliver projects that help engage and progress ‘hard to reach’ individuals towards the labour market. The grants will support participants’ progression so that they are confident in their ability to move into further education, training and employment.
Grants of between £5,000 and £20,000 are available for projects or initiatives that help people take steps towards a future career and reduce unemployment and inactivity.
“The reality is that many unemployed people need more intensive and specialised support and guidance than Job Centres or similar organisations are able to provide. Community and voluntary organisations that know their local communities well are in a better position to provide this kind of support. We’re inviting these kinds of organisations to apply for funding that will allow them to help very vulnerable people overcome significant barriers to progression.” Claire Penny, Grant Manager
There will be three application rounds in 2019/20:
Round 1 15th April 2019 – 17th May 2019
Round 2 15th Nov 2019 – 15th Dec 2019
Round 3 15th June 2020 – 15th July 2020