Half of all Brits are unable to be with their mums this Mother’s Day

Research released today by TalkTalk* has revealed that half of Brits won’t be spending this Mother’s Day with their mums. For those unable to spend quality time in person, three fifths (63%) rely on their internet connection to stay in touch with their mums.
Liverpudlians are most likely to see their mums with 42%, beating sons and daughters from Newcastle (39%) and those from Southampton (37%). While 35% of British sons are more likely to see their mums as opposed to 30% of daughters.
The nationwide poll conducted amongst 2,000 men and women discovered that distance is the main reason sons and daughters will miss out on face-to-face time with their mothers, with three in ten (31%) saying they live too far away and a fifth (22%) living in a different country. However, over a quarter (27%) of respondents plan to overcome this by making a video call or sending a message via Wi-Fi enabled apps such as Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp instead.
The internet is the nation’s favourite way of regularly staying in touch, but a strong Wi-Fi signal remains key with three quarters (73%) admitting they feel annoyed, upset or frustrated when the connection drops and the conversation stalls. 27-year-old Samson Dada from London speaks to his mum on a regular basis but since he cannot be with her in person he plans to make the most of his TalkTalk broadband with a Skype call.
Samson Dada said: “My mum would love me to be with her on Mother’s Day, but I know she’ll also love a video call this Sunday. At least we can see each other’s faces and have a great chat, even if we can’t spend quality time together on the day.”
Phil Amy, Director of Product at TalkTalk said: “Nothing beats spending quality time in person, but it’s only fair that people who are unable to can still catch-up with their mums this Mother’s Day.”
“Having a reliable router like TalkTalk’s Wi-Fi Hub with a strong connection is a great way of staying in touch – whether that’s via Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp. There’s nothing more frustrating than being interrupted mid-conversation with poor signal, but the Wi-Fi Hub’s unbeatable Wi-Fi signal means you can catch-up without any interruptions to your connection.”