HALF of all Brits under 45 have sent naked selfies on their mobile…

HALF of all Brits under 45 have sent naked selfies on their mobile and a quarter have filmed themselves having sex with a partner, according to a new study.
In a disturbing snapshot of morality in the smartphone age, one in four people admit to keeping an intimate snap of an ex-lover on their phone, and one in five has shown a naked picture of a partner to someone else.
Meanwhile, a fifth of British men under 45 say they have been a victim of revenge porn, while half of the 2,000 people surveyed say they fear becoming a victim over pictures they have shared with a partner.
The poll, conducted for leading mobile phone insurer loveit coverit, reveals that 42% of Brits have had phone sex and one in 10 has done it behind a partner’s back. And a whopping two thirds of Brits aged 18-45 have sexted someone, often someone they were not in a relationship with.
A surprising 40% of people admit to snooping on a lover’s phone, say they have snooped on a partner’s phone, either because they suspected cheating or were ”just being nosy”.
A fifth of young Brits would consider getting a tracking app to monitor their partner’s movements. 36% of respondents would feel distrusted if their partner were to get a tracking app.
Two thirds of people in relationships say that their partners know their phone password, whereas a third are unable to unlock their phone. Over half of those who have been caught red-handed whilst snooping through their partners phone have said that they were just being nosy, whereas over a third did it through lack of trust!