For the majority of people today, stress is something that’s just part of life, and although we understand that a little bit of it is relatively harmless and that we seek to keep to a minimum through healthy lifestyle choices, if stress is left unchecked it can become a problem and cause major health problems.

Stress, especially among younger people is currently one of the main contributors to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Still, it’s also something that can have physical consequences. Although these may vary in how severe they are, they can impact your life daily if left untreated and keep you in the cycle of dealing with both mental and physical health problems as a result of stress.

If you find yourself feeling constantly stressed or on edge and are faced with any of the following physical conditions, then your stress levels could be playing a major part in these. As such, the best course of action is to seek the advice of your doctor as soon as possible, as these are easily treatable.

Skin Conditions:

The skin is truly one of the most complex organs the human body has, and it’s also one of the most resilient as it’s faced with all manner of conditions and environments each day – not to mention all the chemicals and toxins it’s faced with, so it’s no wonder that skin conditions are on the rise.

Skin conditions can vary in how severe they are. For example, you may be someone who has always considered yourself to have sensitive skin, or you may be prone to breakouts, or notice that your skin becomes more dry and red in winter.

However, if you’re constantly faced with irritated or painful skin that isn’t helped by moisturiser, then you could have a skin condition that requires some proper medical treatment. Poor diet, food intolerances and even stress can all play a major role in skin health, so it’s important to speak to your doctor who can refer you to a dermatologist in order to find the underlying cause.

Erectile Dysfunction:

Traditionally thought of as a condition that only older men deal with, erectile dysfunction is now becoming increasingly common among younger men, and with 1 in 5 men in the UK affected by it, it’s something that more people should be talking about. However, of course, there’s still a lot of shame around this condition. Stress can make it worse, so although you may feel embarrassed about going to your doctor about it, it’s a perfectly normal thing for them to treat, and they can do so quite easily by prescribing something like viagra. If you prefer to have this delivered to your home instead of collecting it in person, then you can place an order online from Chemist Click who offer a discreet next-day delivery service to get it delivered to your home.

Stomach Problems:

When feeling stressed or anxious, you’ve probably felt the sense of dread in the pit of your stomach that can often cause you to lose your appetite and in extreme cases maybe even cause you to feel sick.

Stomach issues and more serious conditions such as IBS can be caused and made worse by stress, so if you’re dealing with these, then speak to your doctor about the best course of treatment and also to get to the root cause of your stress.



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