Valentine’s Day can be the worst day of the year for the lovelorn. To help, The Dungeons has partnered with eclectic witch, Semra Haksever, to host the world’s first witchcast. The free virtual event will help the heartbroken move on with spells and rituals designed to heal the heart, banish an ex and find new love.

The witchcraft masterclass follows new research which has shown that over a quarter (27%) of Brits despise Valentine’s Day due to not being able to get over a past relationship (20%).

Led by Semra Haksever, author of Love Spells: Rituals, Spells And Potions To Spark Your Romantic Life, the spells will demonstrate a series of magical wares, designed to give freedom from the shackles of bad relationships. By honouring the moon’s energy and welcoming signs from the Universe, the class will help new and true love triumph.

Participants will learn how to banish an ex, how to cure a broken heart and how to find new love as Semra demonstrates bespoke, empowering spells using various elements such as cinnamon, honey, bay leaves and candles to promote positive, healing energy.

Matthew Williams, Global Brand Director at The Dungeons, said: “History hasn’t been kind to witches and as a nation, we’ve always been taught to fear them. At The Dungeons, we believe their magic and mystery needs to be reconsidered as a form of good. By showcasing how witchcraft can bring love into your life, we hope to turn the persecution into appreciation. Through the witchcast, we will hope to cast a love spell on the nation making Valentine’s Day a cause for celebration for all.”

Semra Haksever, an eclectic witch from London, said: “I’m excited to partner with The Dungeons as host of their witchcast this Valentine’s Day. The pinnacle moment to celebrate love and romance can be harrowing for those struggling with heartbreak and hatred towards an ex. My ultimate goal is to empower and heal the pain of singletons, helping them to find the love they deserve from a perfect match. I’ll be performing a series of spells to ensure no-one feels alone this Valentine’s Day, and that they’ll be celebrating this holiday with their soulmate next year.”

Alongside the live witchcast, The Dungeons are inviting the country to share their relationship predicaments via this online form. During the Hex Your Ex witchcast, Semra will address the most common dilemmas and recommend the best ways to celebrate the darkness and awaken the feisty, fearless inner witches within us to overcome future hurdles.

If you wish to attend the Hex Your Ex witchcast for a mysterious evening of crystal curing, sign up to secure entry details here: https://www.thedungeons.com/hexyourex/

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