Highways England showcases national safety campaign at caravan show

Highways England is calling on campers, caravanners and motorhome owners to find out about its national safety campaign about the dangers of tailgating.
Figures show that one in eight of all road casualties are caused by people who drive too close to the vehicle in front, with more than 100 people killed or seriously injured each year.
While a small minority of tailgating is deliberate, most is unintentional by drivers who are simply unaware they are dangerously invading someone else’s space.
With the touring season rapidly approaching, Highways England is reminding people of the need to leave plenty of space between themselves and the vehicle in front.
Highways England is currently exhibiting at the Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show in Birmingham and has specialists available on stand 2204 in Hall 2 to offer tips on how to drive safely while also providing advice for those that find themselves the victim of tailgating.
Nearly nine out of 10 people say they have either been tailgated or seen it. And more than a quarter of drivers admitted to tailgating.