Home Guarantee – The smart Student Renting Guarantor’s and everything in between!

So here’s a fact, which will come as a surprise to many students and parents alike. When you’re at University and renting private accommodation, if one of the flatmates defaults, all other guarantors are personally liable to cover the cost of the defaulting flat mate (this is called Joint & Several Liability). So, imagine the situation of waking up one morning and being slapped with an unexpected bill. A situation nobody wants to be in! So what can be done? Enter Home Guarantee!
Home Guarantee is unlike any other Student Rent Guarantor service you may have previously heard of. They specialise in catering to both International and UK Students who need a Rent Guarantor when looking for private accommodation. So if in the case they or their flatmates ever do default on payments, they (or their families) are 1. not personally liable and are 2. covered by Home Guarantee.
Originally founded by Nick Carter in 2017 it was Nick who saw the need for a service, which could facilitate international students particularly, with a Rent Guarantor service. Looking at some of his competitors he also noted that there was space for a provider who could turn things around quickly and easily. Working directly with students, parents and universities, it was evident that a quick service was required. Typically it takes just 6 mins for a student to apply online, through their easy to use platform, and on average applications are approved within 53 minutes and the guarantor deed is then issued to the Landlord/Letting Agent.
Going well beyond the call of being just a normal Rent Guarantor service, Nick also ensures they offer support and general advice to students and parents, with one parent saying: “I know I’m not there on the ground, but I know you are, and that gives me reassurance.”
As well as this, Home Guarantee also offers services to Letting Agents and Landlords, providing a hub, so students know who and where to rent from – sticking to the Home Guarantee motto of ‘making sure the process of approving student tenancy is as smooth as it can be’.