Co-founder and CEO of Wayhome, Nigel Purves, commented:

“Although the re-introduction of 100% mortgages will no doubt be welcomed by those struggling with the high cost of homeownership, it’s important that anyone considering such a product fully understands the approval process they will be subject to.

While the concept of purchasing a home without a deposit is attractive, the income multiplier associated with mortgages would still limit the purchasing power of those with lower incomes.

What’s more, there’s a very real risk of buyers falling into negative equity should property values start to fall. Given the unsettled market conditions seen in recent months, such a change in the market is far from out of the question and could see buyers lumbered with their property and unable to remortgage until such a time that market values recover.

Rather than loading people up with more debt and negative equity risk, those who are truly serious about solving the housing crisis should be looking at alternative approaches that can solve the problem in a sustainable way that is accessible to more people.”

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