Housing Minister confirms funding for councils to crack down on rogue landlords

More than 50 councils across the country will share nearly £2.4 million of extra funding to crack down on rogue landlords, Housing Minister Heather Wheeler has announced today (14 January 2019).
Whilst the majority of landlords provide decent homes for their tenants, the cash boost will enable local councils to step up action against the small minority who continue to flout the law and force vulnerable tenants such as young families to live in inadequate or unsafe housing.
Councils across the country from Allerdale to Watford will receive a share of the funding for projects to take tougher action against unscrupulous landlords.
Among the councils to benefit from the funding are:
Walsall – to improve cross-agency enforcement work, including the innovative use of drones and thermal mapping to identify problem properties
Lancaster – to create a training programme for existing enforcement staff across the Lancashire region
Greater London Authority (GLA) and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) – allocated over £330,000 between them to carry out coordinated work to tackle rogue landlords who operate across multiple local authorities in their regions