How Brits Rack Up 2 Years of Unnecessary Sleep Due to Bad Lifestyle Choices

Most Brits love a weekend lie-in, and there’s no better time to focus in on getting enough time between the sheets than Sleeptember. But, before the whole nation reaches for the snooze button, it’s worth factoring in what we give up when we sacrifice our free time to dreaming.
New research from bedroom experts Furniture Village has revealed that the average Brit loses a mammoth two years of free time to catching up on the ‘sleep debt’ they build up in the week, affecting travel plans, education and even reality TV ambitions. Along with a new calculator designed to show each user their own personal sleep debt, they’ve teamed up with sleep experts to advise on the best ways to re-set your sleeping habits – and keep some time in reserve for achieving your dreams, instead of just having them.
Want to know if you’re getting enough sleep? Furniture retailer Furniture Village have put together a calculator to work out how much sleep you are getting vs how much you ought to be, With expert tips on how to improve your sleeping routine: