How this DIY Kelp face mask is going to help save a whale while you self-quarantine

As everyone prepares for weeks of being home from school and work, Ocean Wise Conservation Association launches a new FREE online platform, bringing all that is ocean to you and your family. Educators and animal experts at Ocean Wise and the Vancouver Aquarium have compiled captivating resources and entertainment for self-quarantiners of all ages to learn all about the how and the why of caring for the ocean and the animals in it.
With everything from Virtual Aqua Class and Livestreamed programming to the DIY Kelp face mask, Ocean Wise is ensuring there is something for everyone at home. Each and every resource leads users to learn about the ocean and how we can do better by it and the non-profit dedicates all donations to ocean conservation.
While families can work on their ocean literacy together with content is shaped for all ages, the Online Oceans resource allows also allows for teachers to tap into Ocean Literacy, as many of the resources are curriculum-based.