How to Make Good Use of Your Eave Area

Many homes in the UK come equipped with eaves. The area around these things can present a bit of a challenge to would-be decorators. The angle of a roof might make it difficult to install furniture and decorate. Then there’s the eaves themselves, which in some cases can block the light entering the window beneath.
What are Eaves?
Most of us are aware of a related term – eavesdropping – even if we don’t quite know the connection. The eave of a building are the edges which overhang the face of a wall, thereby sticking out from the side. In the olden days, before guttering became widespread, the rainwater would fall directly onto the ground a foot or so away from the building. This area became known as the eavesdrop, and those who stood inside it, with a view to listening on the conversation taking place inside, were known as eavesdroppers.
What are Eaves Windows?
An eaves-window is a kind of skylight which runs all of the way down the roof, past the eave to form a window on the connecting wall. They’re popular among those who like to see the sky, especially during winter when taking a telescope out onto the patio might not be an option.
Installing an eaves window into an existing building might involve a great deal of adjustment and structural tweaking, but the results can be worthwhile; windows of this kind tend, almost by definition, to allow a great deal of natural light in.
Given that natural light is vital for safeguarding your mental health, and reinforcing your circadian rhythms, this advantage makes windows of this kind especially attractive. If you’re looking to set up a permanent amateur observatory, for keeping track of the night sky, then you might make a feature of this corner of the room, with a telescope permanently aimed heavenward. You don’t have to spend a huge amount, and even if you don’t use it as much as you’d like, it will still make an excellent conversation-starter.
Blinds and Shutters
If you decide to install windows of this kind in a bedroom, then you might struggle with light penetration. A good pair of shutters are indispensable if you want to enjoy a long lie-in with windows of this kind in the room.
Storage Space
Awkward spaces in the home, like the ones just beneath a sloped ceiling near to the eaves, don’t have to be neglected. With the right custom furniture, you can get the maximum possible use from them, and thereby free up space elsewhere in the home. Bookshelves and fitted wardrobes are both obvious choices – but they’re not the only choices available.By exercising a little creativity, you can turn spaces like this into features.