How to stay healthy while working from home long term

Have you been forced to adapt to home working because of the pandemic? If you tried it for the first time, you could be one of millions who’ve discovered its benefits. A recent survey found that fewer than one in five employees want to return to the office full-time.

That’s not to say home working is without its pitfalls, however. Feelings of isolation combined with the blurring of work and home life can quickly lead to burnout, so it’s essential to factor in your health and mental wellbeing.

Read our tips on how to stay productive, happy and healthy while working from home long term.

Invest in your home office set up

Have you got by with a makeshift desk and a rigid dining table chair? Ergonomic equipment such as office chairs, standing desks and monitors may seem an unnecessary expense at first, but could be vital to your physical health over time.

You might be able to organise these items through your employer. If not, a long-term loan is one option for spreading the initial cost to protect your health and wellbeing – just make sure to check you can afford the repayments if you do decide to apply for a loan.

Get ready for the working day

One of the obvious benefits of working from home is that you can wear more comfortable clothing, even if just from the waist down. But making at least some effort to get ready can help you transition into the working day. It might maintain your self-image too!

There’s no need to go overboard, but simple steps like showering and getting out of pyjamas will keep you feeling fresh.

Stay social

Fewer meetings and other interruptions is another perk of working from home. But while your productivity might increase in the short term, you could experience a dip in mood if missing out on regular social interaction.

Commit to team meetings where possible and arrange catch-ups with friends outside of work on your breaks.

Stick to healthy routines

While your daily commute might’ve been stressful or time consuming, they also help to maintain boundaries between work and home life. Consider recreating commutes by going for walks before or after work and stick to other healthy routines like exercising.

If you relied on takeaway lunches before, try to eat a balanced diet to keep you going through the day. And don’t forget to stay hydrated!

Make the most of your spare time

Sometimes when we’re busy it can be tempting to use evenings and weekends to relax at home doing nothing. But while rest and recuperation are still as important, getting out the house is likely to offer more of a break from your new working life.

You’re likely to have more spare time on your hands after all, so make plans and use it wisely!

Are there any other tactics that have kept you going while working from home?

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