iad UK launches public-facing referral commission app

iad UK, the self-employed estate agency, has launched propertips, a public-facing app that enables anyone and everyone to earn money through word-of-mouth referrals by introducing an iad agent to friends and family who are looking to buy or sell a home.
Propertips is an automated business referral app, free to download and use, that enables anyone to introduce a potential buyer or seller to an iad UK agent. If the introduction results in a transaction for that iad agent, the person who made the initial referral – known as a ‘business introducer’ – is awarded a cash commission, usually averaging £400-£500.
Since its launch in France nearly 10 years ago, the propertips by iad app has brought together 800,000 business introducers across Europe. And in 2022 alone, propertips paid out £6.3 million to its business introducers.
The propertips referral process is simple:
Identify people in your family or social network who are interested in buying or selling a property.
Choose an agent from a list of iad professionals recommended by their customers. They will receive the referral and then be responsible for finding or selling the property.
Receive an automated payment of £400-£500 per transaction if the sale or purchase is successful.
Propertips has no geographical boundaries which means someone in the UK, for example, can make a referral for a potential client located in any of iad’s global territories – France, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Germany, Mexico, and, soon, Florida.
The propertips mobile app can be downloaded from the Apple Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
Lee O’Brien, Managing Director of iad UK, says:
“Community and network are central ingredients of iad’s secret sauce. This applies to our entire agent network and now, thanks to propertips, our public networks or referees can benefit too as we build on the business opportunities presented to iad agents.
All you have to do is download the app and log the details of your lead, then sit back and let us do the rest. If the lead results in a transaction, you get about £400 direct to your account, no strings attached.
Propertips has been wildly successful in iad’s other territories, and we’re delighted that it’s now live here in the UK, too. It’s a genuine win-win innovation. Our agents benefit from a massive new lead generation tool, and members of the public benefit from commission payouts.
This is going to take the UK by storm and, we hope, turn everyone into an eagle-eyed opportunity spotter, whether they’re chatting at the school gate, or attending a dinner party with a newly married couple looking to buy their first home.”