Impact of the Hinch Hype: Brits are crazier for cleaning than ever before!

· A new study has revealed how much time Brits spend on different daily activities, including work, leisure and consumption of screen time (phones and laptops).
· The rise of ‘cleanfluencers’ has seen the average Brit spend an extra HALF AN HOUR a week cleaning than before
· Sales of recommended cleaning products have increased by as much as 10,000% in the past year
Brits spend around 24 minutes a day cleaning according to a study by Mecca, compared to only 20 minutes a day from a study taken the year previously, this equates to an extra half an hour of cleaning a week compared to last year!
The recent rise of ‘cleanfluencers’ on social media such as the popular Mrs Hinch (2.6 million followers) have seen some of her recommended ‘Hinch Haul’ cleaning products have sales increase by a staggering 10,000% in the past year.
Image: Sophie Hinchliffe aka Mrs Hinch, source: – Embed code available
The study by Mecca, ranks the UK’s most time-consuming activities. the data reveals that ‘cleanfluencers’ have driven growth in time spent cleaning at home as well as boosting the cleaning product market. With cleaning product brands benefiting from the huge ‘word of mouth’ effect, it’s clear that cleaning is cool in the eyes of Brits once more.
The rise of the ‘cleanfluencer’ has helped convert cleaning into a hobby instead of a chore. The concept of a ‘tidy home, tidy mind’ has never been more applicable – with the likes of Mrs Hinch often discussing her mental health, anxiety and positive attributions that she gains from cleaning her home.
With this affirmation of cleaning and positivity, it seems that Brits are more keen to be clean!
According to the study, the top 13 activities Brits consume time with are:
Table 1. The UK’s most time-consuming activities
More information on the study can be seen here