Inside Brian Keane’s Life Lessons

Former school teacher and fitness model Brian Keane has punched his way to the top of the Amazon charts with his new book ‘The Fitness Mindset’.
In his book, Brian offers a huge range of hints and tips to help readers achieve and keep the body they want. Brian also has a passion for living life to the full. He believes his success has been shaped by the ‘Ten Life Lessons’ he follows on a daily basis.
Brian Keane said, “The last section of my book is a compilation of the best advice I have gathered throughout the years. It’s a mixture of things I have learnt through training, parenthood and the ups and downs of life. These are the values I live by every day and hope to inspire others to do the same.”
Brian Keane’s Life Lessons:
Wherever you decide to go, go 100%.
One of the life advices I would give to my younger self would be, “Once you know what you want, go after it with all of your heart.” Today, I make all my life decisions on the simple premise that it’s either a ‘Hell, yes’ or it’s a ‘No’. If it doesn’t excite me, I don’t do it. If it does, I’m all in.
It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop.
It doesn’t matter how slowly you are moving forward towards the life, mind or body you want, as long as you’re moving in the right direction. You will eventually get to where you want to be.
Life really is simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
Find the things that make you happy, do more of it. Find the things that make you unhappy, do less of it.
If you hate somebody, that’s on you, not them.
Hate, like every other human emotion, is nothing more than a manifestation of thought – you control it. Hate puts your mind into a negative place, where the mere association of the person you associate this feeling with can destroy you as a person and your underlying happiness.
Don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.
As human beings, we have put a man on the moon. Next time you try to ‘get down four dress sizes’ or ‘get abs for the summer’ and wonder if you can do it, remember that as a species, we have put a man on the moon.
Respect yourself and others will respect you.
One of my biggest goals in life is to instil the feeling of self-worth and respect into my daughter. I would trade every single thing in my life to make sure my girl grows up with confidence and self-respect. I truly believe that respecting yourself gives you the confidence to be truly happy in life. How can anybody else respect you if you don’t respect yourself?