Interest rate hike – HR and financial wellbeing expert reacts

Chieu Cao, CEO of Mintago, said: “Another interest rate hike, another sucker punch that will leave millions reeling.

“We can be sure employers and managers are seeing the headlines about those drowning in skyrocketing debt and repayments, but how many have actually taken action to support their employees through these challenging times? In fact, how many even know which of their staff are struggling with issues such as higher interest rates and the cost-of-living crisis?

“Unfortunately, too many businesses are not having the right conversations with staff – talking about financial stress remains a workplace taboo, and people’s wellbeing is being harmed as a result. But now is the time to step up. There is no use pointing the finger of blame at the Bank of England, government, banks or anyone else. Business leaders must understand the critical role they can play in supporting employees at this time – prioritising financial wellbeing over other light-touch perks and benefits is a must in the current climate.”

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