It’s official: mums across the UK love chocolate!

Talk to Mums survey reveals mums consume the most chocolate in the household
It’s official: mums across the UK love chocolate! We asked 1,850 mums what they think about chocolate and found that over 50% consume more then 2-4 x 150gram bars per week.
The Talk to Mums Survey has revealed that mums eat 10% more chocolate then their partner or their kids. Despite the fact that over 72% of the mums who took part in the survey have a healthy diet and over 45% exercise more than twice a week.
Nearly three-quarters of mums (72%) revealed they consume the most chocolate from the comfort of their home. Users cited reasons why as, for a snack, when I’m hungry I grab some chocolate to keep me going or when I need a little bit of extra energy. Milk Chocolate is their favourite with over 70% preferring milk over white or dark chocolate.
72% of mums describe chocolate as a great tasty snack with 85% spending between £2.00 – £5.00 per week on chocolate