Justice on Appeal – Returns

Justice on Appeal was initially founded as a Registered Charity on 4 October 2010 in Fulham London.
The Charity was initiated by Darren Thomas Bolger after facing the many difficulties after the conviction of his two younger brothers for Murder and Manslaughter after a pub fight in Essex.
Noting the behaviour of the Essex Police and Lawyers in this case, plus the hurdles faced in appealing an injustice, Darren and his mother became amateur detectives and set out to solve the case, whilst without any previous legal training.
Darren soon discovered that his activities were being under investigation by the British Establishment, who set out to stop the review of injustice in his brother’s case, named by Essex Police as – Operation Westminster.
Darren was arrested by West Midlands Police on false alegations from the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) when he had submitted an appeal for his youngest brother, which had evidence of,
1. Swapping of Blood Samples by a leading Toxicologist
2. Police and CPS – hiding key evidence
3. Essex CPS refusing that there was a helicopter video, later found (by Darren) which had ‘NOT FOR EVIDENTIAL PURPOSES!!!’ on the box.
4. An Ex-Essex-Police Detective, became a barrister at 18 Red Lion Court, and shared a room with prosecution counsel, whilst his ex-brother-in-law remained on the Jury and during the same time as Miss Patricia Lynch QC – led the prosecution against Darren’s two brothers.
5. SOCO video had been fabricated
Darren was then placed on the Police HOLMES database, usually reserved for serious crime, terrorists, and top criminals, so that the police could monitor Darren.
Darren was then the victim of a miscarriage of justice as a leading Fraud Prosecutor, Mr Tom Kark QC fabricated a fraud case against Darren and led the complainants to join him in a criminal case, after the police had refused his claims as civil issues, not criminal.
The Metropolitan Police knew that the case against Darren was fabricated and assisted Mr Kark QC in continuing with the miscarriage of justice against Darren.
If you would like to read more about this and the corruption in both Essex Police and the Metropolitan Police, visit the website of Darren Thomas Bolger www.darrenthomasbolger.com
Justice on Appeal now returns to address the continuance of Police Corruption and Malfeasance and also assist with Cases that make no sense and require review.
27 Old Gloucester Street
Justice on Appeal is a limited company which reviews criminal cases on a pro bono basis. We will also grow other areas of injustice as we continue with our work.
Justice on Appeal was initially founded as a Registered Charity on 4 October 2010 in Fulham London.
The Charity was initiated by Darren Thomas Bolger after facing the many difficulties after the conviction of his two younger brothers for Murder and Manslaughter after a pub fight in Essex.
Noting the behaviour of the Essex Police and Lawyers in this case, and hurdles faced in appealing an injustice, Darren and his mother became amateur detectives and set out to solve the case.