Kodi face more embarrassment at the hands of famed producer Jonathan Sothcott

Kodi have faced further embarrassment at the hands of famed film producer Jonathan Sothcott who last month earned praise from his loyal army of Twitter followers for telling Kodi how they are damaging the film industry.
Despite Kodi referring to themselves as a free and open-source media player software, they have aided in the distribution of films illegally and played a role in the growth of film piracy.
A new law was announced yesterday dubbed “The Digital Economy Bill” which warns that people making and streaming films using torrents online will be committing a criminal offence.
Sothcott immediately took to twitter to comment tweeting “Hopefully people will finally bloody wake up!!!! Kodi users could face up to 10 YEARS in prison”
Last month Sothcott had debated with Kodi on Twitter saying “You take a neutral stance” on piracy – that makes you complicit. You’re enabling illegal downloading & killing the film industry.”
37year old Sothcott who is considered a pillar of the British independent film sector is making preparations for the release of Bonded By Blood 2 after celebrating the success of We Still Steal The Old Way.
This morning a spokesperson for Kodi refused to comment.