Latest figures on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in England are published

New statistics show the number of applications to legally deprive a person of their liberty, where they lacked the mental capacity to consent to care or treatment, in 2021-22.
NHS Digital has published the latest information on the use of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), a legal procedure when an adult who lacks mental capacity to consent to their care or treatment is deprived of their liberty1 in a care home or hospital to keep them safe from harm.
In England, all deprivations of liberty in a care home or hospital must be independently assessed and authorised by a local authority2 to ensure they are in the person’s best interests.
Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, 2021-22 – NHS Digital report provides information on applications for DoLS3, including:
How many applications were received and completed by local authorities
The time taken to process applications
Reasons for applications not being granted
Demographic information about people for whom a DoLS application was made
The planned and actual duration of authorisations granted by local authorities