For those wanting to stay safe on the road and keep updated on the new rules, George Patton at provides his top tips:

“The highway code’s purpose is to keep pedestrians and road users safe. Yet, ironically when new rules are implemented, it can create more danger until everyone becomes accustomed to the changes. Here are a few things you can do to keep safe on the road:

1. Practice safe habits – always ensure seat belts are worn, distractions are kept to a minimum and that you remain focused. These fundamentals are especially important when adjusting to new road measures.

2. Keep a copy of the highway code close – the hundreds of rules included can be hard to follow. Whilst you may not be able to refer to it when making a driving decision, keeping a copy in your car will allow you to refresh your memory whenever safe.

3. Pay special attention to cyclists and pedestrians – whether you agree with the changes or not, the updated highway code is still pertinent to non-driving road users. Potential dangers can be worse for these people, so ensure to take extra care around them.

4. If you can’t ensure it’s safe, don’t do it – there’s always a safety risk with driving. If you’re not confident that your next manoeuvre will be safe, wait until you know it is safe to do so.

5. Be patient with other road users – you may have already implemented the new rules, but everyone learns at different rates. Be patient and keep aware of potential hazards whilst driving so you can react as necessary.”

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