LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor are on a mission to get the UK cervical screenings rate to increase

Lots of people use different euphemisms for the word vagina, it’s a quintessentially British trait to try and dance around the word rather than use it.

Being embarrassed of the word vagina shouldn’t mean that you’re embarrassed about talking about it.

It’s vitally important that women (especially young women) stay on top of their cervical screenings. Embarrassment should never be an issue when it comes to your health.

London’s favourite name for vagina is…
We’re all used to the bap, cob and roll debate, but what do we call our nether regions across the different regions of the country?

The study showed that London’s favourite name for vagina is vajayjay.

One of the more boujee names out there, the citizens of the capital reject northern synonyms of foof and fanny, and instead prefer the more regal reference.

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