Local Tennis Leagues are changing the way tennis is played in the UK

Everyone wants to play tennis when the sun is shining and Wimbledon fever has gripped the nation. So why aren’t they? Nationally, participation in sports is declining, and tennis is not immune*. But a revolutionary organisation, Local Tennis Leagues (LTL), is bucking the trend across the UK.
On public courts all over the country, adults of all standards now have the opportunity to play friendly, competitive tennis thanks to LTL’s initiative. Across Britain there are nearly 200 leagues open to men and women of all standards. Last year over 8000 people took part, playing over 30,000 matches.
Like the ParkRun phenomenon, Local Tennis Leagues have spearheaded a sporting renaissance in local parks. What were often ‘Cinderella courts’ – left behind and forgotten – are now thriving again.