London wellness spending stats REVEALED

The average Londoner spends £150.74 per month on their mental health and well-being – 44% more than the national UK average – according to new research by Myvitamins:
We recently surveyed 2045 UK adults to find out just how much Brits are spending in order to maintain their wellbeing – and how the cost of living is having an impact.
We found that:
The average Londoner spends £150.74 per month on wellness – the highest of all other UK cities and 44% more than the national UK average.
The highest spend was on supplements and superfoods, on which Londoners spend an average of £19.77 per month; physiotherapy (£19.59 per month); life coaching (£19 per month), wellness retreats (£18.91 per month) and therapy services (online and off – £18.52 per month).
In the face of the rising cost of living, almost 1 in 4 Londoners (23%) said they will prioritise their mental health and well-being over physical health and fitness (20%). Over a quarter (26%) said they would prioritise both equally.
Nearly a third of Londoners (28%) who have cancelled a well-being subscription did so because they could no longer afford it.
The survey also asked what changes participants would make in order to continue paying for their favourite wellness products and services. We found that:
About a quarter (24%) of Londoners said they will save money elsewhere by looking for deals and offers while shopping
23% said they’d have more nights in
One fifth (20%) said they’d have fewer social dinners and drinks
18% said they’d buy products that are cheaper and lower quality
16% said they’d be willing to have fewer holidays.