Made in Chelsea star Jamie Laing’s Candy Kittens bran continues growth

Back in 2012, Made in Chelsea star Jamie Laing and friend Ed Williams could not have imagined how successful their newly-launched gourmet sweet range, Candy Kittens, would become. An innovative confectionary that focused on quality, used the best possible natural ingredients, and authentic flavours tantalised the taste buds for the adult sweet lover.
Managing Director Ed Williams explained: “We identified a big gap in the confectionary market for a grown-up, exciting sweet. At one end of the spectrum were cartoon-clad bags for kids, with the alternative being dull, boiled sweets, often found in a grandparent’s car. This was the perfect space for Candy Kittens.”
Starting with the ambition of knocking Haribo off the shelf, fast forward seven years and the future is looking sweet for Candy Kittens. With a £3m turnover, a workforce of over 20, and a product range in major retailers including Asda, Morrison, Tesco, Sainsbury, WH Smith and Boots, growth for the brand has been unrelenting.
This rate of growth has required Candy Kittens to bolster its infrastructure to support its future ambitions. “Just like the fashion brands that we draw inspiration from, we want to constantly develop and move forward,” Ed continued, “so choose our business partners very carefully.”
When it came to its IT systems, Candy Kittens preferred to take the word of a trusted colleague and employed the services of computer experts Dr Logic to advise and recommend the best solution to support the business.