Majority of UK Couples believe their relationship will end between 3 to 5 years from now

New research has revealed that the vast majority of Britons do not actually believe their current relationship will actually last for more than 5 years. In an imaginary situation where they could trade on their relationship like if it was a financial asset, the majority of the respondents said they will sell their share between 3 to 5 years from now.

Nowadays making relationships work is pretty difficult and a new research has found that the majority of Briton’s couple would rather not invest in their current partner in the long run.

The team at conducted the research as part of an ongoing study into British attitudes towards investing. 2,437 Britons were initially asked ‘If your relationship was a financial asset and you would be able to buy or sell shares online, would you sell or would you buy?’. The results were quite astonishing as a massive 67% answered that they would sell.

All the respondents who said they would sell, were then asked after ‘how long they would sell the shares of ‘their relationship’’. They were provided with a list of possible responses and told to select the one that applied, the 4 periods were revealed as follows:

• Between now and 1 year – 6%

• After 1 to 3 year – 17%

• After 3 to 5 years – 44%

• 5 years Plus – 33%

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