Man starts caring business after open-heart surgery

Prakash Radhakrishnan knows first-hand how challenging it is looking after others.
The 40-year-old started Official This Is Me to shed light on his own struggles and help others in a similar position after caring for his siblings and needing open-heart surgery five years ago.
Official This Is Me produces content to raise awareness for caregivers and disabilities as well as speaking at conferences and organising workshops to tackle important issues surrounding disability and mental health.
Prakash, of Slough, Berkshire, said: “I decided to help unravel what it is actually like to be a male carer because at some point we will all either have to be a carer or be cared for.
“I know first-hand that carers go through a lot. When others depend on you, it’s such a huge responsibility that your own goals and aspirations can be put on hold.
“Five years ago I was shocked to hear I needed open heart surgery. I didn’t know about any support groups or who could look after my siblings whilst I recovered.
“Two years later, I went along to an open day run by Sibs UK, which assists siblings of disabled people. As an Asian man I was surprised by the lack of BAME representation.
“Afterwards I was contacted about writing a case study. It took me over six months as I had never tried to write down my feelings before. Sibs UK immediately wanted to publish it in a video.
“I was able to present my own mental health visually with the great support of a videographer friend.
“We filmed in January 2020 and the video instantly got over 29,000 views across 64 countries. A week after it was posted I was contacted by someone who said my video saved them from taking their own life.
“I was nominated for the Lobby Award and won the People’s Award as well as an international award for the video.
“With Official This Is Me, our aim is to break down the societal taboos surrounding both areas as people still shy away from open expression.”