Meet 1year old Max – From a life-support machine to raising £1,500 for charity

A little boy who spent January fighting for his life in a hospital far away from home has raised over £1,500 for The Sick Children’s Trust by holding a Pyjama Party.
One year old Max, from Chingford, organised the Pyjama Party at Asquith Nursery to say thank you to The Sick Children’s Trust for keeping his family by his side when he was rushed to The Royal London Hospital for lifesaving treatment.
Max was initially diagnosed with adenovirus at the family’s local hospital, Whipps Cross, and was put on a life-support machine before being transferred by ambulance to the paediatric critical care unit (PCCU) at The Royal London Hospital. Throughout his treatment, his parents Emma West and Miller Evans were supported at Stevenson House, free ‘Home from Home’ accommodation run by The Sick Children’s Trust.
If you’d like to take part in Pyjama Party, please email [email protected] or call 020 7283 4066 to request your free fundraising pack.