Meghan working in an hotel suite on plan to become ‘Hollywood power player’

MEGHAN, Duchess of Sussex, has set up shop in a hotel suite opposite her agent’s offices in an effort to become a leading star in Hollywood, according to reports.

Showbiz correspondent Kinsey Schofield told GB News that multiple rumours are also swirling around Los Angeles about a rift between the couple.

She told GB News: “It’s like a bleed, a wound that won’t heal. We’re hearing from more and more people.

“One of the rumours is that Meghan has set up shop in a hotel suite across from her agency William Morris Endeavour and that she has her eyes set on bigger opportunities.

“She wants to be a power player in Hollywood and that this is not the direction that Harry has any desire to go.

“They’re spending more time apart. And how does any relationship function in that capacity?”

In a discussion during Breakfast with Eamonn Holmes and Isabel Webster, she continued: “Obviously, I hope it’s not true because I don’t root for anybody’s marriage to fail, but I can’t imagine truthfully, what it’s like to have so much pressure on you.

“The entire world is watching. And they have had a lot of failures professionally over the last few years and that’s got to create intense stress in their household.”

She added: “Harry does not like the chaos of Los Angeles, Harry does not like the the pursuit of Hollywood, according to some of these reports.

“I want to stress that people close to Harry and Megan allegedly have [said] that that these rumours are not true.”

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