#MicroBizMatters Day Brightens Up Manchester

On Friday, January 12, micro business owners from around the world will join together in a social media extravaganza to celebrate #MicroBizMatters Day. Over eight hours of broadcasting will be hosted from XYZ Works & Social, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3EB.
The aim of #MicroBizMatters Day is that business owners should give a little time to help other business owners kick off the New Year. Business owners nationwide are encouraged to provide 12 hints or tips, make a 12-minute video supporting another business, buy 12 items from a microbusiness or follow 12 new start-ups on Twitter.
The day will recognise small businesses and micro-enterprises globally. In the UK alone, there are over 5.4 million microbusinesses, representing 95% of all businesses. It is estimated that one in every seven working adults run their own micro-enterprise. #MicroBizMatters Day is the biggest independent social media day of recognition, action and learning for business owners in the world.
Supported by the UK’s major national small business membership organisations, #MicroBizMatters Day will also be joined by a selection of celebrity entrepreneurs such as digital skills and communities’ guru, author and speaker Penny Power OBE and Manchester-based speaker and Dragons’ Den survivor Naomi Timperley FRSA. The star entrepreneur of the many Q & A sessions who has supported every #MicroBizMatters Day is Chris Percival.
Chris Percival started his business at the age of 14 and is now listed by Richtopia as one of the UK’s most influential entrepreneurs. He is the founder and CEO of Jigsaw Medical and eJIGSAW and more recently founded an independent record label – Jigsaw records. Still only 26 and a registered paramedic, Chris leads Jigsaw operations from 8 locations in the UK and several locations in Europe, Africa and Australia, with over 3,000 members of the team – over 800 of which on a full-time basis.
#MicroBizMatters Day own Tsar, Charlie Mullins OBE, founder and CEO of London-based Pimlico Plumbers will also be joining at 10:00 AM through Google Hangout.