More than half of Londoners prefer a weekend night to save money

Britain is no longer a party nation up for a good night out as more than half the country admits they would rather sit in front of the TV with their favourite food than go out with their mates, new figures reveal.
The research of 2,000 adults commissioned by Rustlers, shows that a staggering more than half of Londoners (65%) prefer a weekend night in rather than going out. When thinking of their dream night in, nearly two thirds would opt for watching movies or TV (63%) and two fifths would treat themselves to their favourite food (39%).
The top night in activities include:
▪ Watching movies or TV 63%
▪ Treating themselves to their favourite food 39%
▪ Cosying up with their partner 31%
▪ Reading a book or magazine 24%
▪ Having friends round 18%
When it comes to food essentials for a night in, pizza and chocolate (both 28%) are the top choices, followed by something homemade (26%), Chinese (25%) and crisps (21%).
There are notable age differences though, younger groups aged 18-34 are most likely to opt for burgers coming into the top five night-in foods behind pizza (37%), chocolate (25%) and Chinese (21%).
Almost half of Brits (47%) are staying in to save money as the cost-of-living crisis continues as amongst the top motivating factors along with choosing comfort and relaxation (51%) and wanting to avoid crowds and noise (34%).
Though these are the real reasons to choose a night in, these don’t necessarily match what is told to friends and family. Over half (58%) have made excuses to cancel going out including pretending to feel ill (24%), claiming to be too tired (16%) and pretending to have no money (9%) – one person even pretended that their nan had died to get the night in they craved.
Rustlers is challenging the nation to try its latest food hack with its ‘Big Night In’ campaign. They’ve teamed up with foodie influencers to re-create their favourite takeaway cuisine all with a Rustlers twist from the comfort of their own home.
Rebecca Simpkin, Senior Brand Manager at Rustlers says: “The cost of living crisis might have eased slightly, but people are still feeling the pinch, staying in more and cutting back.
“We’re encouraging those craving a takeaway but don’t want to spend a fortune, to choose Rustlers as the perfect solution to replicate their usual delivery order, and to have fun with friends, family whilst recreating takeaway inspired food at home”
To choose your favourite influencer takeaway re-creation you can head to @rustlersuk on Instagram from 12th October to follow along and have your say on the results.