Naked models highlight some of the problems with the pet food industry

Pooch & Mutt, the makers of “Health Food for Dogs with Nothing to hide”, have enlisted the help of four models body-painted as dogs, a top music producer and an award-winning film director to highlight some of the problems with the pet food industry.
Whilst naked models body-painted as dogs might not be the obvious way to talk about pet health and nutrition, there is a need to do something different when 87% of the £34m* spent on pet food advertising in the UK is controlled by the confectionery giants Mars and Nestle.
What is there to expose? As Pooch & Mutt point out at there are 3 key factors that they think public should know about:
1) The majority of pet food brands, even when they may look small and independent, are owned by Mars and Nestle. Pooch & Mutt’s website provides an infographic to show who owns who. Pooch & Mutt also questions if these companies are best-trusted with the health of the nation’s pets.
2) Big pet food companies can change what goes in the food, dependent on what is cheapest at the time, without informing customers or even changing the packaging. A link from Pooch & Mutt’s website shows the potential consequences of this for the health of our pets.