Nearly one in six Brits have considered leaving their partner – due to their SNORING

Nearly one in six Brits have considered leaving their partner – due to their SNORING, according to a new survey.
In light of this year’s National Stop Snoring week, Breathe Right undertook a nationwide survey of couples in the UK.
They found as many as 78% have a partner who snores , while a further 14% claiming they are completely sleep deprived because of it .
According to the survey, one in eighteen couples argue all the time over snoring3, with six in ten snorers denying they have a problem . In fact, a frustrated 28% of partners have resorted to recording their partner sleeping, to PROVE how bad the problem is .
Over half of those polled (51%) claimed that losing some weight may solve their partner’s snoring .
About two-thirds of the females polled blamed drink, claiming their partner’s snoring was worse when they had been drinking, compared to just over half of men (52%) who said their partner’s snoring got worse after a night drinking .