New research by, in support of the launch of the Neighbourhood Bills Calculator, has found that the average Brit knows five of their neighbours’ names and considers two of them to be good friends. A nation of friendly neighbours, 11 per cent claim they get on with them like family and 23 per cent would go to their neighbour for help or advice before going to a friend.
The study of 2,000 adults found that a third of neighbours (33 per cent) ensure they catch up with those living nearby at least once every few days and a tenth (14 per cent) speak to them throughout the day. Hot topics of conversation between next door neighbours include the weather (47 per cent), bin collection (39 per cent), a pet (27 per cent) and one in 20 (5 per cent) have even sought relationship advice.
However, despite neighbourly friendships, conversations about money are still very limited and considered a taboo topic, with 87 per cent having no idea what their neighbours pay for bills in comparison to them. A third (34 per cent) say that they would help their neighbours save money on their bills if they could and if they found out they were paying more than their neighbours, they’d feel surprised (21 per cent), disappointed (15 per cent) and confused (10 per cent).
As a nation looking to save money on bills, more than a tenth (11 per cent) of neighbours have had a conversation with someone in their street which caused them to revisit their own finances and 83 per cent have saved money as a result of a chat about household finances.
Ursula Gibbs, Commercial Director at, spoke on the research: “It’s great to see how close neighbours are and the friendships that have struck up as a result of moving to the same area.”
“People may be surprised to realise they are paying different amounts in bills compared to those next door, and we want to make it easier for people to compare their outgoings.
”With the Neighbourhood Bills Calculator, we want to open up a conversation that would often be unspoken, to help those in your area get the best value for money on their household bills.”
The study found that of those who consider their neighbours to be ‘friends’, four in 10 (40 per cent) said their relationship gradually turned into a friendship after living in the same place for years. A quarter (27 per cent) became friends after doing a favour for their neighbour, whilst nine per cent have thrown a party in order to get to know those on their street better.
For some it doesn’t come naturally, however it emerged that more than a quarter (27 per cent) would confidently introduce themselves if someone new moved into their road or building.
After all, following a year stuck indoors, many will have come to know their neighbours a lot better. One in ten (11 per cent) say they would even like to organise a street party once restrictions are lifted.
When it comes to socialising with those on their street, 12 per cent have had a barbeque together and 13 per cent have even shared secrets with them over the past 12 months.
The Neighbourhood Bills Calculator is a free tool to help show the estimated average prices of household bills for homes similar to yours in your area.