New app launched in response to the UK literacy crisis

Long awaited OOKS app has now launched in response to the UK literacy crisis.
1 in 6 children and 1 in 5 adults in the UK are struggling with basic reading and writing tasks. (source: National Literacy Trust UK & World Literacy Foundation)
Founders and creators at Zulleon have a very emotional back story which is how the OOKS app came about. Passionate and wonderful speakers when telling their heart warming story.
OOKS app was built by the very respected company Dubit Limited often seen as key note speakers worldwide.
The app development went through tested family focus groups and research testing.
OOKS is an unrivalled digital play experience that allows children to create their very own Ultra Personalised OOK character and through the play session through doing something they love, PLAY and create their own OOKiverse!
The choices made, the drawings created and actions taken by the child in the app, are captured and transformed into beautifully illustrated Ultra Personalised books that are then printed and delivered to the child as real world books of which they are the named author.