New approach for roadworks in Kent

Better coordination of roadworks in Kent as civic, industry and transport leaders met in Maidstone with Highways England to launch an innovative approach to vital road upgrades.
Hundreds of millions of pounds are being invested in road improvements in the coming years, including four major improvement schemes, thousands of maintenance and renewals projects and measure to increase the road network’s resilience to disruption.
Now, business, civic and community leaders from across Kent have been invited to form an advisory group that can advise Highways England, Kent County Council and Medway Council on their priorities and help make sure that roadworks across the county are well coordinated and communicated.
The work is part of a new team, the Kent Corridor Coordination Group, which is made up of Highways England and their delivery partners and local highway authority officers from Kent County Council and Medway Council.
Already the group has helped to benefit drivers by collaborating to rescheduling a planned footbridge replacement to minimise disruption and by facilitating routine maintenance using the same roadworks as major schemes.