New GCSE Maths website to help students for FREE

A new GCSE maths website has been launched to help students struggling with the subject which is also mobile and tablet friendly.
GCSE maths is a mandatory core subject as well as being one of the most difficult. It is also crucial in terms of progressing onto A ‘levels and onwards to University which makes it is the main subject students and parents worry about.
Topics covered on the website include Numbers, Algebra, Geometry and measure, Probability and Handling data. The lessons have been structured in a way that make it simple and easy to follow. Past exam papers are available as far back as 2010 and the exam boards covered include AQA, EDEXCEL and Cambridge. The past exam paper section includes both mark schemes and examiner reports.
Other features of the free service includes a news section which is updated with the latest news on GCSE and iGCSE maths, a syllabus section on the Pearson, EXEXCEL and Cambridge GCSE variants and a blog section with hints and tips on how to prepare and succeed in GCSE Maths exams.